Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine

Even though this was taken on Christmas Day this was the day that Dan made this really nice snap available to us on his Face Book photo collection. So we thought that it was worth giving it a wider viewing. Thank you Ma for going the full hog and giving everyone in the family a personalised towel. At eighty you are a marvel.

This day also marks the second day that Asher and Jaye are with us and we found that they are so into coffee that they take their coffee grinder around with them. Only Fair Trade (or even fairer trade) coffee beans are ground in it. They have very high principles. Good on them.

Something that has been happening all December has been flies in the house. They have found a way past all the screens daily. We are still to discover their secret. We have some suspicions but have not found the "smoking gun"... the fly in the act of sneaking in. So each day Peter gets out the fly-swat and stalks them till there is just a tolerable few. The number in the picture is Peter's kill for about two days... there is that many getting in. If anyone else is having the same trouble in their house, drop us a line.

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