Sunday, November 28, 2010

Windows In

During the Victorian Election Day, Peter, Gord and Shane advanced the Gembrook Retreat compost toilet project considerably by fitting two windows in the wall. This part of the project was holding up the rendering of the outside and even some of the interior work. There were challenges with the window sills though. They had to be thinned up to allow the window height to fit! Lucky Gord's workshop was not too far away. A couple of trips there were necessary and also much walking up and down the hill. Everything had to be hand cut down at the actual site so some things were carried up to the main house where the electricity was. Spice of life!

Coffee with Dan

We try to catch up with Dan at least every second week. The venue is usually the Centreview Cafe in the Greensborough Plaza. And every now and again we update how we look there with the handy camera. Numerous past blogs will show something similar. Dan usually has a 'solid' bacon and egg breakfast with his coffee since he has more often just got up. He is enjoying his restaurant shift work at Shuga in Mill Park and often gets there on his bush bike.

Kids Hope Craft

Peter has been enjoying a mentoring time with a grade three boy called Jarrik. This weekly time falls under a World Vision school mentoring program for kids who will benefit from such a relationship. Peter is not sure whether he is really a good mentor in the official sense because the visits are usually unstructured fun, like playing UNO of drawing and doodling, and letting the ideas go anywhere. Just sometimes there is a bit more structure and he helped Jarrik make a pretend box of chocolates using brown felt. It looked so good that it was worth blogging about.

Tyler 18

We have been close friends to a Werribee family and their eldest son Tyler has reached 18 years. He is becoming a fine and mature man with a passion for God and a strong career focus towards electrical engineering. We wish him well and congratulate him at reaching his milestone.

Last month we attended Tyler's valedictory dinner at a posh joint dedicated for that kind of thing. He and his friends concluded their VCE year in style. Tyler scrubs up well in the grey suit.

A Summer Garden

The good rains have helped us to make a excellent start. Usually our Summer garden fails dismally but we have high hopes for this year, and during an extended dry period we will endeavour to lavish our garden with much more water than we usually do. We have sort of learned that water is the key and the generous amount of recent rain has shown us that. Everything is growing fast! From left to right in the picture above we have: carrots, butter beans, cherry tomatoes, last season's silver beet (still producing), comfrey, and spinach. We also have basil growing along with thyme and rosemary. Each night, especially a wet one, Peter has to go out with a torch to dispense with snails. That seems to be working and the population is down for a few a night.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November Visit

We decided that we had one free day, so "hang it", let's get to Gembrook while we can. It was cool but fine enough. It was a lovely visit. We did plenty of outside stuff with everybody. Bec started a roast lamb (home grown) so we ate in style when a meal time came along. There was plenty to do and plenty of distractions. Bec and Gord have a number of outside projects on the go. Their biggest "projects", the kids, are growing and changing each time we see them... though Jasper is not "officially" walking! It was a fun time all round and we went with the flow. Thanks guys.

Trampoline Project

Part of our last visit was to help install a trampoline in the Funk's back yard. Gord had already dug a sizable proportion of earth so the work was mostly shaping the hole to allow the trampoline frame to slip in "like a glove".

Gord was very pleased with the outcome. The earth was heaped up all round it to give the trampoline a slightly raised look without being above ground. It was very cleverly done. Piper and Jasper have also discovered a cubby of a sort under the mat to play dungeons type games.

Already all available turf was laid back around three sides of the trampoline and seeds will be sown over the bare ground without turf. In time it will look a picture. Already Jethro was able to climb onto the bouncing mat unassisted. Sorry there is no picture of that!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Red in Spring

Colours have an impact on what we do and how we feel. We have noted that there are a lot of flowers blooming this Spring (most of these in our garden) and they are of such variety that it is about time we posted a series of pictures and some thoughts about their distinctive colours.

Red is Peter’s favourite colour and has been for a very long time. This colour affects people in a personal way more than any other. It acts as a stimulant for emotional excitement. Red draws attention and is well used in signage. It increases enthusiasm and stimulates energy and action.

White in Spring

White projects purity and holiness. This represents all the colours in light mixed together, the very beginning of life. White clothes represent cleanliness or purity (of a bride or an angel). It can aid in mental clarity.

Yellow in Spring

Yellow is a shining colour, brimming with optimism and happiness. It is used to depict gold. It stands out from surrounding colours and engages with us in contagiously energetic ways. Yellow offers a positive future.

Green in Spring

Green is second only to blue as a favourite colour. We are comfortable with it because it is all around us in the natural world and even in the driest parts there are patches of it. There is a huge range of greens from viridian to lime. Some of these colours can reflect, slime, poison or illness and others nutrition, peace and ecology.

Blue in Spring

Blue is seen as trustworthy, something constant in our lives, and is generally a favourite. We can feel rested by it and in vibrant strength it can exhilarate us. Overuse of blue can present coldness. This is equally popular with both genders.

Purple in Spring

Purple is a super-rich colour worn by both royalty and elite clergy. It represents the mixing of stimulating red and calming blue. With this unusual tension of mixed meanings, it conveys a sense of the mystic, spiritual and royal qualities and it can encourage great creativity. This can also be a favourite colour of young girls once they have tired of pink.