Saturday, May 11, 2019

Little "A"

After a few weeks prayerful waiting we can announce that we are looking forward to the future arrival of our fourth grandchild around 4 November this year. May God bless this very small person with every blessing imaginable.

Mother's Day Creations

In preparation for Mother's Day students in years 3 and 4 decorated terracotta pots and when the outside was dry they filled them with potting mix and planted a seedling. Peter had opportunities to help at both parts of the project.

Whittlesea Sailboats

Woodcraft Club made boats last week. These were wide enough to float with reasonable stability. The sails were paper rolled around two skewers. The students could add to the basic design with some "bling" or additional offcuts. Other students chose to search through the offcuts and make wonderful creations. Well done to them all.

Leap of Faith

Tallarook kids had a camp recently and one of the activities was the "Leap of Faith". This involved climbing a pole to a ledge about 15 metres up and springing off this ledge to touch the hanging rubber ball. To make the climb and simply step off was brave enough. Not every student had to resolve to do this. Some decided half way was enough and swung out from that point to be lowered down by the safety line. This is a particularly good activity for teenagers and not so much for ten year olds. Students were affirmed to have given it a go.

School Athletics

As part of the Whittlesea Primary School Athletics Carnival the staff also raced, the last race of the day. Peter was somewhere in the middle of the pack. He is not as fast as he used to be for obvious reasons.