Sunday, September 23, 2018

Stacey and Zac

It was a perfect day for it and it was needed. The church hall would have been too squishy if it had rained, such was the size of the guest list. Instead, Stacey and Zac were blessed with fine sunny weather with their open air reception that followed their joining together. God was definitely "present" through the planning, wonderful support from friends and family, the words said and all the very cool ideas, both at the ceremony and luncheon hoasting. This was a traditional wedding with twists along the way, and one which did not blow the budget. We are glad for them and praise God for the evident blessings.

Comings and Goings

September was a time of catching people as they passed through, both family and friends. When this happened we would endeavour to arrange other members of the family to also be there. These mini-reunions are collected here to preserve the memories. Bec/Grace, Nonna, Rosey, Dan, Simon, Madonna and John all played a part to make it a month to remember.

Whittlesea Space Shuttles

Peter was able to cut large spindols in half with his band saw and with thick card make space shuttle kits. The trickest bits were the three sets of wheels that went under the cardboard wings. It was a easy way to finish off the term, with a simple design.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Funk Farewell

This is actually a few months ago and is posted as a special memory in our lives. Our beautiful extended family is off to live a long way away. We will explore good and creative ways to stay in contact. We are excited for them and wish every blessing for them. Our prayers follow them everywhere they go.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Whittlesea Apache Helicopters

A suggestion from a student had Peter provide hellicopter kits this week. The request included guns on the side like an Apachie chopper. Peter does not like producing war related objects but on this occasion he conceeded just a little. The kids were initially daunted by the extra parts but most rose to the occasion.

not everyone made a chopper...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Whittlesea Motorbikes

After making vehicles a couple of times, one of the students requested a motorbike kit so Peter went back through his notes and made a slight variation on an earlier design. There were just enough rubber disks, an essential part of the kit. He might have had to dock large diameter dowel otherwise. The students mostly managed to figure out how to make it. Those who make the bike unassisted were chuffed. The younger ones got help from Peter, Gordon and Stuart roving around the room on the day.

On the whiteboard...