Saturday, November 25, 2017

Four Brothers

We made one short excursion from Gembrook during our last visit there. Gord took us in the four wheel drive into Bunyip State Forrest to see the Four Brothers, and maybe see where the small bushfire outbreak had been. We did not see any recently burned area but saw the fire trucks parked near the Four Brothers. These were four great boulders giving a commanding view, a place of great spiritual value most probably for the first Australians to meet at. We felt that too.

Funky Chill Out

It was nice just to cross over to Gembrook for the afternoon and evening to chill out with this precious family. We had a no pressure kind of time checking out the growth of the baby rats and helping with Lego construction. The evening meal was home made pizza outside on the deck. After that Peter and Jet played a long sandpit game building roads and creating challenging scenarios. We also went to Four Brothers... but will be another post.

Tallarook Parrots and Horses

Some kids asked for horses and others birds, so Peter prepared kits of both in a proportion that seemed right. It was about right on the day and the kids enjoyed making them and some made both after it was apparent that there might be a few left over. It worked out about right there too. The parrot is able to balance because of its long tail. The parrot design has been on and off over the years and so has the horse.

Whittlesea Snakes

Peter tried some thing different last week. He found a picture of a wooden snake (last picture) and made ten sets of pieces. The kids caught on straight away with the help of the picture and a few pointers from Peter. It was very pleasing to see but the ten stet did take some time to prepare.

When the snakes ran out other things were made.