Friday, September 25, 2020

Family Book of Ruth


This is a wonderful rendition of the Book of Ruth cut into four segments through a single church service which shows just how much eight families plus a whole lot more children can have fun and learn about an important book of the Bible. It is about time we released this story. The children are all adult now and not easily recoginsed. The videoed performance can be seen HERE. Enjoy. 

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Well done to all involved!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Wetland Birds


This seemed a good time to gather into one place some pictures of the birds that live in our local wetland. Some are harder to photograph like the wren above, flitting about, never stopping for more than three seconds. The star attraction has been the black swans and their growing cygnets. After that comes Roberto, the single goose residing there with a few psychological issues, then the moorhens, Eurasian coots, ducks of various breeds, parrots as well and a lone heron which stands aloof in a sage-like pose most of the time. Then there are the new coot chicks to enjoy. Oh so small. We look about for each bird in turn when we visit our wetland, mentally ticking them off, glad to see that they are all doing well, until we meet again. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Spring Garden Memories


Spring is in the air! The passing rain showers and increased sunshine has caused a real increase in every part of our yard, the weeds alongside our more useful plants. It is always fun to get up close with the macro lens to catch the creative magic that is otherwise hard to notice. They're all taken on one day except for the thirsty insect. Enjoy. 

Coruscating Water


This is something that can enliven us by its majesty: our local wetland coruscating as the morning breeze ripples the surface of the water. The Free Dictionary defines coruscate as: to give forth flashes of light; sparkle and glitter: diamonds coruscating in the candlelight; or to exhibit sparkling virtuosity: a flutist whose music coruscated throughout the concert hall. The video we made catches the sounds of the birds and some of our comments. The camera panned and zoomed in to encapsulate the magic of what the wind and water are doing with the sun’s rays. Enjoy the video here.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Goosey Swan


This is a visual reflection relating to Roberto the lone goose in the wetland. After the cygnets hatched a month ago this relatively tame goose began to follow them around. Occasionally one of the swan parents would chase Roberto away very aggressively and once it was aggressive in return. After a while a 'separation' was generally accepted and Roberto continued to follow them around at the more acceptable distance. Local people are wondering if the City Council ought to supply Roberto with a mate. We have a video relating to this which can be viewed HERE.