Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Full Assembly

Assembly at one of Peter's schools usually happens each week and will go for about half an hour. This last week of term assembly was particularly full though, and Peter has added a few snaps here to remember the moments, when the 3/4s promoted the Bake Sale later in the week, and school dancers presented what they had been rehearsing for this year's State School Spectacular. It was a lively and entertaining assembly, enjoyed by all including some parents sitting at the back.


For the last week of term, Peter did not provide any 'kits' and instead gave students a flat sheet of card on which to build anything they could dream up from pieces they might find in the trays about the room. It proved a busy time and there was plenty of willing creativity.

Making Hedgehogs

 Peter was given this idea from another member of staff and he made 18 bodies and bought a large packet of nails and a four more hammers to supplement the stock. The session went well with lots of banging going on.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Babinda T-shirt

This unusual story happened because our daughter kept her childhood t-shirt and now her son has worn it. It was a gift of Peter's parents to their granddaughter (we think) and now the next generation is wearing it. The name across the chest is the name of the town where Peter was born and lived his young life before travelling south for higher education, marriage, family and career. So, our family has roots there concerning this Far North Queensland town called 'Babinda'. A good info site explaining a lot about the place, including its Aboriginal meaning, can be found here.

Grace with Grace

Babinda can be seen on a flight between Cairns and Townsville through a gap in the clouds

Babinda on a fine day

Monday, June 3, 2019

Dice and Houses

Peter received a box full of balsa wood recently. The students were able to make large dice blocks with them and the following week make houses (yet again). The parts were easier to prepare as bulsa can be sliced with a blade (with a ruler as a guide).

before the rush...


We went to Marysville recently and experienced the wonderful Autumn colours still hanging about as we walked through Marysville Anzac Park. Other pictures were from near by and at the location of the church camp we were on. It was a very relaxing worthwhile weekend.