Thursday, August 20, 2020

Joseph Story Continues


This is a continuation of the Joseph story in the book of Genesis using dolly pegs in a combination of video filming and stop motion animation. The earlier episodes can be viewed in an EARLIER BLOG POST. The video of this episode can be viewed HERE. Peter has enjoyed the challenge and we hope you enjoy the story so far. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Cygnets Swim


The swans moved house! Their new 'base' is across the lake, not that they use it much except at night when the cygnets are all nestled under the wings of the parents. Life seems to have settled among the the various bird folk in the wetland, but the local human population are suddenly visiting. So many people are being invigorated by the sight of six little fluffy cygnets, still under a week old. This good news of every egg hatching offers real escape from the negative mental health risks that are part and parcel of the statewide restriction not to venture more than 5 Kms from home. This is like a free zoo trip for people who live nearby and a renewed and refreshed community forms along the boardwalk of the lake to watch the new arrivals swim about. Peter has made a further video of the last few days at the wetland and this time to the accompaniment of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony (First Movement). It can be viewed HERE.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Cygnets Arrive


At long last the eggs hatched. One hatched a day early and the cygnet 'chick' was hidden under the nesting adult's wing while the remaining eggs were kept warm. The nights had been cold and there was rain about but the nesting swan was up to it. Of special note in the picture above is the sharp horny point on each of the cygnets' beaks. We read that this sharp attachment was designed for forming a crack line to break out of the egg. This alone does seem to point to 'intelligent design' intervention as opposed to the chance of getting it right through evolution of the species. Peter has coupled together video clips spanning the last three days leading up to the hatching and swan family swimming across the wetland waters. This can be viewed HERE. The music is composed and written by Peter's brother Phil and one song sung by Peter's dad (RIP). A link to Phil's music can be reached HERE.

Were these feathers left there semi-attached for the little ones to play with?

OK. Sun is up. Time to show you around.

For people in Melbourne Metropolitan Region this event has aided the mental wellbeing of many locals. There isn't a shred of good news in the media and this kind of thing offers heart felt hope and a positive shared community experience of it. The weeks of waiting made us all somewhat anxious for this delightful outcome since some years ago a large rainstorm destroyed the eggs and nest of that year and devastated the hopes of many at the time. The pervading negativity made it doubly important that the cygnets arrived safely. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Wetland Life


We made a recent visit to our nearby wetland to check out the wellbeing of the swan couple. One swan was still on their nest and the other was galivanting around. The wetland bird-folk all seemed to be waiting. People passing who lived locally thought there was a week to go. As well as bird life we happened to spot a large kangaroo. That size this close to suburbia seemed to be rare. The kangaroo seemed to have an eye infection which was sad. People have to be careful not to approach a large kangaroo in case they strike unexpectedly in defense. Peter made a video of the day with his brother's music accompanying it. It can be viewed HERE. Enjoy.