Monday, August 17, 2020

Cygnets Swim


The swans moved house! Their new 'base' is across the lake, not that they use it much except at night when the cygnets are all nestled under the wings of the parents. Life seems to have settled among the the various bird folk in the wetland, but the local human population are suddenly visiting. So many people are being invigorated by the sight of six little fluffy cygnets, still under a week old. This good news of every egg hatching offers real escape from the negative mental health risks that are part and parcel of the statewide restriction not to venture more than 5 Kms from home. This is like a free zoo trip for people who live nearby and a renewed and refreshed community forms along the boardwalk of the lake to watch the new arrivals swim about. Peter has made a further video of the last few days at the wetland and this time to the accompaniment of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony (First Movement). It can be viewed HERE.

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