Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nan's Visit

For a few weeks during the month of March, Barb's Mum came down from Brisbane for a visit. It was a highly successful one. Most of the time at least one of us had time off work to do special things or go special places with her. This included a few visits to Gembrook to see the Funks. The two eldest great-grandchildren knew her but young Jet was pretty cautious.

Nan had bought a special gift for each of the three young ones. She had had been given good advice on who likes what. Piper got a fairy on a unicorn, Jaz got Lego, and Jet a Hotwheels car. They loved them.

Nan caught up with lost of other people of course, but we haven't got pictures of every event. There were plenty of times with Simon especially playing "Ticket to Ride". She was with Bec and Gord at Gembrook. The picture above shows Nan with Daniel at Greensborough Centreview Cafe.

These last few snaps is of "departure day" when Barb's Mum flew back to Brisbane. Waiting for her was her little dog Buddy in holiday care at a neighbour's place.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Piper's Birthday

Piper had a double night sleep over at out place for her actual birthday. She had a party with her peers a few days later on the weekend. We were blessed with her visit. She and Barb visited the zoo as part of Piper's gift, a place she has always enjoyed going to (especially the new seal enclosure).

These very bold and brave ducks butted in on the picnic and were rewarded for their efforts.

Piper may be posing with lion souvenir but what she did come away with was a seal about the same size. The future job she would love is to be a zoo seal keeper... or it is seal zoo keeper.

Here is a special moment where Piper's uncle Simon is showing her a few tricks with the yoyo, one of those lighted up ones.

Jethro's Birthday

Jet starts the "birthday month" each year. At four he is well aware of what it is all about. He was transfixed by the burning sparklers on his cake which conveniently made good lighting for the camera.

Jet's guests had crept onto the table to get a better view of the birthday action. It was a relaxed and enjoyable time for Barb who was able to be there to share in it.

It is interesting just how different each of our grandchildren are as the following pictures show what they did later on in the day. Jet - cars. Jaz - scooter. Piper piano plus other variations of chilling out.