Friday, September 29, 2017

Gembrook Again

It was really nice to spend the day at Gembrook with our grandkids. We did all the usual things and to it we added board games and ordering fish and chips for the evening meal. Fun as...

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tallarook Trucks

In the last week of term Peter brought along twenty truck kits (plus cat kits and horse kits not photographed) for the woodcraft club at Tallarook, and as it turned out the kids found the assembly a little tricky. After assembly some played with the trucks too soon and they fell apart. Peter found he had to repair a number of assemblies or remake them which was surprising, given that there were pictorial instructions with each pack. The kids still have a lot to learn about the glue. Some of the trucks were a variation to the Bunnings trucks at a Whittlesea woodcraft club

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sunshine in our house

We looked after a young dog for a week recently. She was very good really, even with the "accidents" that seemed to happen multiple times daily. The pictures here are not her true nature, one of continual action and play. She would lay peacefully in her bed five minutes in the hour and the rest of the time she wanted action. Even though she was really very sweet natured, we have learned first hand the real consequences of raising a dog!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Whittlesea Free-build

There are times when Peter does not have the time to prepare any kits. That means all who come in to Woodcraft Club have to rely on their imagination and self-belief. There was enough material for assembling great ideas, especially in varieties of model building. But one year 5 girl made a model horse tray to go with her model horse. It was an impressive effort (pictures below).

Tallarook Crates

On Old Fashioned Day one of the lessons was about making apple packing crates the way it was done over 80 years ago at orchards all over Australia. It proved the perfect activity for all the older kids of the school. Peter kept the design very simple and most kids could cope with the challenge. It is a pity we couldn't pack them all with apples wrapped in standard tissue paper.

Whittlesea House Kits

There was enough material, including corrugated card for authentic roofs, to make a large number of "houses" at a recent Woodcraft Club at the school. As usual each house was quiet different with varying interpretation and ingenuity.