Monday, March 11, 2019

Camperdown Visit

Peter and Allan paid a visit to an old friend they had not seen for thirty years and had a wonderful time reminiscing old times when they all went to St. Judes, Carlton (the one that had the fire). They had to travel all the way to Camperdown to do it but it was worth the effort. Their wonderful friend had purchased a decommissioned bank complete with room sized vault. The place was littered with quirky art and collectables. There was beds and bedrooms for every body and sausages and mash for tea. Yum.

The ultimate coffee machine

Ex-bank manager's office maybe

Peter finally helping in the kitchen

Symbolic yard art from building scraps

The most amazing stair well

Lake Bullen Merri nearby Camperdown

Lake Gnotuk on a rain mist morning

Upon Mount Leura one of many volcanic dome/cone shaped hills

Wedged Blocks for Woodcraft

Last woodcraft club, most of the kids received 'wedge' shaped blocks to make a "well" or "arch" shape. The arch had to me made on its side and dried a little for it to work and so it turned out that everyone preferred to make the 'round boxes'. Peter was pleased that the project was pitched about right for their level and interest. Some kids made Mine-craft figures so there was some variety in the room.