Monday, May 29, 2017

Stacey Twenty-one

We had the pleasure of attending Stacey's twenty-first birthday. It was a Millers Pizza in Lara, Victoria, and we will definitely have to return to this venue when we drive that way again. We thought this was a top rate party, in a really neat out of the way place, catering for a large and varied group of people.

Ivy Lea in Autumn

A private residence "Ivy Lea" in Whittlesea, Victoria, had an open day a few weekends ago for the public to enter and enjoy the Autumn colours and magic "spaces" everywhere you might look. It was a visual feast for camera happy Peter, and a place of peace for Barb. This was a lovely way to spend time with friends.

Million Paws Walk

Even though we did not have a dog we joined with people who did and had a pretty amazing experience. The organisers did a super job given the huge number of people turning up. Every possible dog breed seemed to be present.

The coffee van made a killing

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Tallarook Dinosaurs

This turned out to be a super woodcraft experience for the kids who came. This woodcraft provision was one of three popular clubs on the day and so there was definitely enough dinosaur "kits" to go around. There was also material to go further to make whatever they wanted if there was time. The students had a choice of "meat eater" or "plant eater".

Whittlesea Dinosaurs

The students who came in early had the chance to make a dinosaur. After that there was open design on a flat board. Some students managed to do both and make a small environment or home for their dinosaur. The texters were a great help giving colour to the wood.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Jaz Ten

At long last the day came for Jazzie's tenth and we had a fitting time of it. We were blessed with all our children, all our grandchildren, Peter's brother, and Barb's brother. Dan's partner too. It was a grand collection of moments for which we are grateful. We finished with a Seven Wonders game with seven players. Neat-O.