Thursday, May 24, 2007

Jasper's First Visit

This was the first time Jasper came to visit us, and this on top of another first. We had never had a meal of mashed potato in pumpkin soup. It sounds like a strange combination, yet it was planned to be thus, and it was enjoyed by all.

Bec, Jasper and Michelle arrived and had some as well. They had been held up in traffic. The Melbourne evening peak hour has increased in duration and intensity these days and they endured a lot of bumper to bumper stuff to get here.

We were delighted that Bec had decided to make the trip over. We had not been around them for over a week and it had felt like a long time. Michelle had gone over to baby-sit Piper the day before, so Bec's coming saved her a slower return on public transport. Gord stayed behind with Piper for a fun time with him, and Jasper at two and a half weeks came along with Bec and Michelle.

Jasper was the star attraction. Peter felt that he was fixed on 'Channel Jasper' for certain periods of the visit. Jasper met Denise who was staying with us a few nights with us and reacquainted with Kelli. He already knew Michelle fairly well. Bec gave him a feed and he was then content to suck on a finger, any finger, and Pippa's would do. Sucking that finger made all the difference. He was content to do that for a good length of time, and Bec was able to chill out a bit before making the return journey.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Children's Church

Now there are other things that distract us during the week. One of them is the Children's Church commitment each Sunday at our Church the Mill Park Baptist Church. We consider ourselves privileged to be allowed this responsibility to help grow the spiritual lives of some of our young church members.

At the beginning of the Sunday church service, we all meet in the main hall for singing. After twenty minutes, the children and volunteer adults depart to the other rooms to have their children's time. The reasons for that are obvious and based on learning at different developmental levels. There is a creche, a beginners church, and then for the primary aged children there is the Children's Church which we are part of. Beyond that, there is even an older group that meets as "Seven Up" (years seven an above). The adult church continues in more singing followed by prayer and teaching, and the children begin their version of the same thing but to a level that suits them. Children's Church meets together for more songs (and is encouraged to even dance along), followed a Bible story and a game maybe, then go to small groups with their own age level. Our small group of about twelve grade sixes is a great bunch. They have their own wisdom and plenty of trust and cooperation. They are a dream to work with.

We are not without our challenges though. There is a shortage of leaders at present in Children's Church and mid year our team leader is leaving. We are going to send her off well with the praises she deserves, but we are in a difficult spot and have been throughout this year because there have really not been the hoped for number of volunteers from the adult church join us at the beginning of the year. We are new - volunteers from last year. There are four other volunteers and not all are available each Sunday, and none of them there longer than us. The "old guard" have all moved on for a break. People could be concerned about the amount of preparation work. It is true that there is a reasonable amount of preparation to do each week before each Sunday of about half a day. It can be relentless and best not left to Saturday night.

So without making a big deal of it, we are facing a couple of problems at once. We are short of small group leaders and will soon lose our team leader. We will be praying for help and guidance, and some time later we will have to report back how it all worked out.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our Second Visit

Saturday morning had been arranged for our nieces Kelli and Michelle to come and see the one week old Jasper. They were part of our second visit. Barb had been there midweek, so it was really her third.

The Funks were just rising by the time we got there so it was as well that we came no sooner. Michelle had got Jasper a nice little 'in the groove' t-shirt and gave Piper a super booster bubble making gun which was a brilliant idea. Piper loved playing with it till the bubble-juice ran out.

The day was a perfect late autumn day so we all decided to walk to the nearby park to throw a frisbee and kick a ball. Some of us had a turn carrying little Jasper and others pushed Piper in her pram. It proved a tonic for us all and we returned to share a salad roll type lunch.
This was a relaxing and enjoyable family time, while just down the street, and all about us but out of earshot, the Melbourne Saturday traffic increased its intensity. Because of the sensational day that it was, the streets were hardly coping with the large press of vehicles trying to get places. We had some respite from it all with Bec, Gord, Piper and Jasper.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Jasper Sage Funk

After a pregnant wait, Bec and Gord came up with a special name for BB Funk. This means he is like a very precious jewel to be called Jasper. He is a sacred little boy set apart by God for something very special. His second name, Sage, reflects something of where Bec and Gord are, at present. That name will remind them that their baby will teach them many things, and is already wise in so many ways. 'Sage' can also represent the humble herb.

Jasper's weight was 3.6Kg (7 lb 15 oz) with a length of 51.5 cm. He was born at 4:34am, 5th May 2007.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Very Proud Pipper

Barb had been finding special things for each Funk family member to be ready for the day. Weeks ahead of time, she found lots of nice little 'ooo' size singlets and such in blue. Somehow she decided to take the punt and buy them in that colour, feeling that if the baby was a girl 'she' could wear blue OK anyway. Let's not be sexist here. She found some nice books for Piper too. For Bec and Gord there was champagne and bright red tea towels because red seemed to have been adopted by the Funks as the theme for the month. We resurrected an old mobile which we had used in the 1980's when our kids were babies and restrung the felt creatures. After the birth, we picked up an additional little jumper and jeans suit with Canadian motifs sewn on for the little BB Funk. This was like a second Chistmas. Giving gifts seemed the natural thing to do to commemorate both Jesus' birth and this Funkie one.

More on the Birth

Well we did visit at the end of that day and showered them with gifts. They are an amazing family. It is such a big thing having a baby and they did so well. It seems to clearly show just how a positive and supportive environment leads to a birth removed of anxiety and doubt.

Piper at three, has experienced this birth as another day in her life, albeit a more dramatic one. And from the start of the labour, some time soon after midnight, she knew the baby was ready to come when she heard Bec, in her words, 'moaning'. This 'full on' experience might be seen as a scary event by some three year olds, but Bec and Gord had primed her well. What eventuated did not faze her. That by itself was a remarkable achievement.

This little boy's arrival has had the best start imaginable. This story should be shouted from the rooftops. There is much that could be done to support the independent midwives in Australia. They get no government support yet do such a vital job offering empowerment and self-belief to pregnant women. If the government came on board with subsidies for this service, there would be a vast increase in healthy births at home . The hospitals could then focus on difficult labours.

Friday, May 4, 2007

A Grandson

At about 4:30 on Saturday morning 5th May 2007, Bec and Gord had another child, this time a son and baby brother for Piper, who attended the birth and was particularly helpful considering she is only three and a bit. Mum and baby are both well. The labour was quick and smooth. Praise God for such grace and answers to prayer.