Monday, May 7, 2007

More on the Birth

Well we did visit at the end of that day and showered them with gifts. They are an amazing family. It is such a big thing having a baby and they did so well. It seems to clearly show just how a positive and supportive environment leads to a birth removed of anxiety and doubt.

Piper at three, has experienced this birth as another day in her life, albeit a more dramatic one. And from the start of the labour, some time soon after midnight, she knew the baby was ready to come when she heard Bec, in her words, 'moaning'. This 'full on' experience might be seen as a scary event by some three year olds, but Bec and Gord had primed her well. What eventuated did not faze her. That by itself was a remarkable achievement.

This little boy's arrival has had the best start imaginable. This story should be shouted from the rooftops. There is much that could be done to support the independent midwives in Australia. They get no government support yet do such a vital job offering empowerment and self-belief to pregnant women. If the government came on board with subsidies for this service, there would be a vast increase in healthy births at home . The hospitals could then focus on difficult labours.

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