Saturday, June 21, 2014

Funks' Last Night

The time came for Bec, Gord and the kids to stay overnight to say special 'good-byes' and have an easier start for the airport the next day. This post is slow in coming and they have already safely arrived and are renewing their family ties in Canada. We hope they have a super time over there. It was nice for Simon to come for tea and for Dan to rock up later on after he finished his work. It was a lighthearted time. Thank you guys for making it so.

Abigail Eleven

We had the privilege of hosting a birthday celebration for Abigail... at least the early one. Barb was just a bit worried for Abigail's sake when the flame on the match she was holding came perilously close to her finger tips. The balance between trust and protection gently worked out for the best with no crisis and the two wax number ones successfully burned for the birthday rite.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Funk Origami

At the beginning of this month we visited the Funks for part of a day. It was cold outside so an inside activity was called for. Jasper gets the credit for our going nuts with origami. We raided Bec's paper supply. Jas proudly showed us his collection of "ice-claws" (pictured below - a circle of them) and from there we moved to Japanese cranes, then to boats (Piper) and square boxes (Peter and Jasper). Jasper made an extra effort to learn the folding steps to be able to work independently. A week later Jaz sent us, via Australia Post, an amazingly small paper crane, smaller than a postage stamp! (see last picture below) Well done Jaz. You are a very skillful seven year old for sure.

Our first YouTube vidio

We thought we might try raising the bar by posting our first YouTube video. What can be more appropriate for this than Jasper's seventh birthday, since our Google blog posts commenced seven years ago with a short notification of his coming into the world.

Jasper's Blowing out his candles
