Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rabbit Visit

Don't worry. Barb is only visiting this rabbit. It's not ours. This rabbit is a friend's pet and has the odd habit of licking the hand. Maybe that is because the resident dog of the house has trained it to think it's a dog.
Note that Barb's beanie (Canadian: touk) has hardly left her. When it does, we will all know that Summer has arrived.


Forgiveness is an abstract concept for young children to master. But at a young age children learn about forgiving and being forgiven through experiencing repetitive concrete action on the subject. So when we looked at this line of the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us for the wrongs we have done...", it was easily grasped by our grade one group. The story of a hurtful squabble between two children was resolved through forgiveness, and young Kiara effortlessly drew up the story in sequence, finishing with "you're forgiven." Other children in the group made little posters to help us remember how often we ought to forgive.

Hot Pizzas

Peter was pleased to discover that Mill Park Pizza Hut purchased two new pizza carry boxes. The heating elements in all the old red boxes were stuffed. Delivery drivers had resorted to slipping hot pizza trays into these old ones to warm them up before a delivery. These new black boxes take away the anxiety of delivering cold pizzas to faraway customers. Who wants to eat a cold pizza?

The longest distance Peter has travelled to deliver pizzas has been a 15 Km round trip. What made it more unusual was the home's 100 metre muddy drive way and dark surroundings at the other end. Peter persisted and found a door to knock on. A mother and two hungry children were excited to receive the delivery. The mother thought Peter was psychic to find the place and asked what his star sign was. Odd customers seem commonplace after so many years on the job.

Azurea Coffee

We continue to bike ride through the Winter wind to keep our coffee date each time at the Azurea Cafe. It is sometimes very bracing and we try to dress adequately. Unless it is poring with rain we will make the effort. Light rain is no real deterrent. As we ride, our minds clear, and as we sip the best coffee in Melbourne, we discuss the important things that are challenging us. On our return ride we continue our talk, side by side on a bike track made for two.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wintery Hail

A passing shower of hail marked an unexpected wave of sickness for us both. Peter got to carrying a towel around for his runny nose and Barb was bed ridden for over a week. For Barb the cold snap, combined with her tiredness, brought on a severe case of bronchitis. It was even painful to breathe! Not good. So the plans we had for the week just past were mostly overturned as we took it really easy, and tried to keep the house more warm than usual. We now think that we ought to have ducted heating installed because of the inefficient heating system in our house.
Hail might look cute nestled amongst the garden plants, but it carries with it a nasty warning to be careful and that winter is not quite done yet in Melbourne.