Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day Thirteen

Today our nephew David is twenty-one. He arranged a celebration at the famous Mosskito Restaurant Bar in Clifton Hill. He forked out an undisclosed amount of money and booked the place way in advance and then proceeded to invite people along.

Dave pre-recorded a load of songs for the occasion. His sister Kelli and his dad prepared a continuous power point show of photos of him from birth onward. The music was well received and the pictures were enjoyed over and over again.

These were just some of the 'star invites' who rocked up. It turned out to be a good night but we have very reliable information that there were very sore heads the next morning. Maybe we'll blog a bit about that.

There were no speeches, but there was a super cake and a memorable moment when Dave blew so effectively and quickly that he was made to relight the candles to do it more sedately for the cameras. We both agreed that it was a good night and everyone who came enjoyed themselves. There were loads of cameras on the go, and for anyone who was willing there were many rounds of 'shots' at the bar to the ruination of some.

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