Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day Three

This was the day Mon and Peter brought their mum over to the hospital for her transfusion appointment. Once Mum was organised with the staff, Mon and Peter went off for a coffee. Phil called and found out what was happening and joined them at the cafe. So the three brothers had one of those very rare moments together in a very nice looking Atherton cafe near IGA. Then it was off to brouse in Big W and after that they somehow found the time to share soup together. It was all pretty unplanned and special.

Meanwhile Mum had started her transfusion, one bag every four hours. When Peter visited in the middle of the day the first bag of blood was about to be replaced. Mum was doing fine and the staff all knew her and were very welcoming. It has been decided that Mum stay overnight after the transfusion just incase there was trouble like the time before last. So far so good. May God grant grace and healing in this process of "dripping in" new life.

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