Monday, December 7, 2009

Day Seven

This was the day that Heinz, Miva and Heidi visited Mum for morning tea and a chat. This was the first time Peter had the privilege of meeting this family. He had heard a lot about them, especially Heinz the international artist (actually all three are artists). Heinz also holds the 'seniors' athletics world record of the 4 x 400 relay. Very impressive. Heidi had made a Christmas card to give Mum, Peter and John. That was very thoughtful and creative. Heidi has just finished her primary school years.

After they departed, Phil, Harley and a friend Ben rocked up. Harley and Ben ate MacDonnalds and Peter heated up soup that Mon had made previously made and frozen for those who were not into junk food.

This day also had the rare moment when Phil opened the piano and played a piece that he knew fairly well. The piano sounded OK and Phil gave it his best shot. It was nice to be there and be in that sacred space.

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