Thursday, July 17, 2014

Silvan Lake and Nordegg circuit

We linked up with John and Anne and they took us on a sightseeing trip for two nights away from the farm. We passed miles and miles of canola fields along the way all yellow and ready for harvest. We sampled many different types of foods... and Peter... beers. We had a near miss with a twister reported on the news at Red Deer just 20 minutes drive away from us. The clouds were impressive from where we were at Silvan Lake. From there we drove to Nordegg at the foothills of the Rockies (our first sighting of this mountain range from the ground this trip). We were directed visit Fish Lake nearby and we walked around that. It took us about an hour and it was enjoyable. The last special part to this excursion was our arrival back. Our grand kids had never seen both sets of their grand parents in the same time and space. "What, are you both here?" Jaz said when he saw us rock up. This definitely was a rare event considering that John and Anne live in Manitoba and we in Victoria, Australia.

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