Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fairmont Hot Springs

After a few small hiccups base camp #2 was successfully set up. We then found that the whole camp had wifi as part of its service to campers. Super. As a result our screen-free holiday came to an abrupt end and we went sick on posts. This is the reason we have made so many catchup blogs.

Better than wifi by far was the hot springs pool. This complex of three pools is fed by hot springs into one and left that way to soak in. The other two pools have cooler water. The hot water was a nice 45 degrees a year round. It must be a surreal experience to sit in this pool in the middle of winter. People do that. There were two diving boards there and they were so much fun. Even Peter through caution to the wind and went for a few high jumps. Daniel surprised us all with his fearless diving and summer-salting. For his size that was even more incredible.

1 comment:

Kelelee said...

You all look like you're having an amazing time! ! Wish I was there with you guys!!