Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Career Elective

This image has the potential to resemble the devastation from the recent typhoon in the Philippians. In a way the building career elective at the school for this year is a bit of a wreck. Peter is not sure why some students only reached floorboard stage when there were four sessions (an hour each), one a week. Now there seems to be little interest in finishing them though Peter will endeavour to encourage many in the last week when there might be more available time to do it. The impact factors are many, one being 25 students is too many to get around to help. Another factor seemed to be a lack of enterprise, of personal motivation to solve material and design problems. Relationships between key people in the room caused a loss of time and were a major distraction. So this year the elective remains unfinished in so many ways and probably will stay that way for many. This is a lesson learned for Peter who is responsible for the objectives of the program which were hardly met.

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