Monday, May 30, 2011

May Market

Once a month now, Peter involves himself with the fundraising work of the Whittlesea Chaplaincy Committee. Their largest money raising effort is the monthly market. They raise money for the chaplaincy service at the secondary college and the primary school there. It is very humbling for Peter that many people are regularly raising money to supplement his salary. The committee have traditionally sold barbecued sausages and still do so from the caravan specifically built for it. Now the committee is branching out with a second consumable product stall - selling dried fruit and nuts. This was the "launch" of this stall. All the dried fruit and nuts were bought in bulk by the committee and presented wonderfully in the "self-serve" display vessels (a one off expense). Peter and Mauricio, his friend from Bible study group, looked after the stall. It took in $295 on the day which everyone felt was a pretty good start.

Near by, the Salvation Army Band played for a time. This was one of the May Market's attractions. The young boy (below) from the primary school who was busking had to wait a great slab of time till the band packed up, but he still made $105 for his effort. He is a very gifted player and singer and many people were taken by him.

The other feature was the display of teddies. There were many very antique teddies amongst the selection which was taken from a much larger collection owned by the mother of one of the members of the chaplaincy committee. The day was one of those late autumn days that brought back a memory of summer. Many people came and browsed amongst the seventy-five odd stalls (which incidentally all pay a "rent" to the Chaplaincy Committee who mark out the stall spaces and open the gates of the show grounds before 6 am!). The feeling of community is strong. Many stall holders come primarily to support the work. Peter even let his hair get some colour to help the whole cause.

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