Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goodwill Wallets

It is about time Peter shared about his goodwill wallets and how to make them. The wallet count is up past 180 and there is still a demand for them. He patiently makes a little pile of about a dozen to bring to school the next day. The kids are patient because each knows that eventually s/he will have one too. They are never sure what colour they will get because Peter alternates those. Sometimes the colour of the ribbons changes as well. They don't mind. They also love the miniature $10 note that comes with each wallet.

You start with cut straw board and black display board. These have their corners cut for a nicer finish. There are four ribbons with the cross ribbons slightly longer. They are placed accurately on top of one of the black cards and the other black card is placed 'flush' on top to sandwich the ribbons. Spot glue just four ribbon ends to the top surface of the card, making sure to glue different sets on either side (two from the cross and two from the parallel).

Press the ribbon ends down well so that the PVA glue is squeezed flat and begins its setting quickly. Then carefully "flip" the black card sandwich and glue the four remaining ribbon ends to the other black surface. Again squish the glue so that it sets quicker. Set this (main) part of the wallet aside and work on the separate covers for both sides. Any paper can be chosen for this part. In this demonstration red paper was used to go with the ribbon. It does not have to match the ribbon though. The cut straw board is carefully positioned on this paper. The paper is cut (or has been cut) to allow easy fold-over-gluing.

Keep folding over the exposed paper till it is all neatly glued over. Again it is good to press down the glue so that it will set faster. With one cover ready, run a thin bead of glue close to the edge of the black card outer surface. Then carefully place the prepared cover over this making sure that it lines up (with a slight overhang all round). Perfect!

The cover paper for the other side is also wrapped around the other straw board card in the same way and glued to the black card on the other side of the wallet, again with a thin bead of glue close to the edge. Line it up carefully before giving this cover a good press down. Once heavy pressure is given to the PVA glue (in combination with these paper and card materials) it will be hard to shift from then on. You can gently test the ribbon "hinges" for a moment but it will be better to put the wallet under a few books for a good half hour. The moisture of the glue sometimes caused the cards to curl and pull away from each other so being held down for a time will stop that from happening. And that's it. Give it a shot.

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