Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jasper Four

We had a wonderful visit to celebrate Jasper's fourth birthday. We arrived early enough to catch Gord before he left for work. So we were all with Jaz for the candle blowing.

Actually, we came two days before Jasper's real birthday so he probably had a second party, and even a third. Happy Birthday Jaz!

A rocket was just the gift for Jaz. It can go up 100 feet but is pretty safe really. Jaz found that he could sit on the 'pressure ball', or stamp on it, for a good amount of air for each take off.

Gord ready to hit the town looking all business like (with a hat like that he is ready for anything) and Jet looking a little older for each time we come.

Piper and Jaz managed their blasting off turns very well, sometimes even having two turns in succession before the other resumed. These were all well negotiated. Barb had bought spare rockets just in case both original ones were lost quickly so they both had their "own" rockets to shoot.

Notice the ladder nearby. This was used on numerous occasions when a rocket happened to land on the roof. We even had attempts at catching them as they came to earth - all great fun.

One of the other gifts was an oil and water "hour glass" and Jethro loved watching the red and blue dribbling to the bottom. He knew he could turn it over again to watch it dribble back.

Jaz coloured this rocket drawing for us. We forgot to take it with us when we left at the end of the day. We will have to remember on our next visit. He was very pleased with his effort.

Piper held up Sparkle, the only chook willing to be carried about. It was one of those nice early winter days when we could still do things outside.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Jaz!!!
I LOVE Jeth's hair!!!
you are all soooo beautiful :D
<3 Michelle