Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tran Marries Jorgandiovski

We attended a special marriage union at Fairfield Park last Saturday. Thuy is a delightful and beautiful Vietnamese and Peter is a dashing Macedonian. The Amphitheater at Fairfield Park was the meeting place between to two cultures, Vietnamese Catholic and Macedonian Orthodox and this made it a thoroughly grand occasion. Parking was a shocker for most people, but once we all made it in, it did not seem to matter just how late we were or how late it started.

There were lots of group photos and these are just a few of them as Peter caught a few randomly. The one above shows Loan and Bonna's family now with three kids and the eldest, Eric, nearly as tall as his mother. Eric gave the Bible reading.

Mo was a very proud mother. She always enjoys seeing us. We have a special affinity with Mo and Ha since the time we first met when they and their girls arrived at Melbourne airport thirty years ago. Thuy was just a baby in Mo's arms, born in the refugee camp.

There was also a small collection of picnic goers watching on. They were treated to a nice spectacle and one of them was moved to share with us that he could see so much love... so clear was love on display. That was nice.

When the Macedonian half got going on the floor the music became particularly powerful so that the vibrations penetrated through to our bones (literally). The Jorgandiovski family had already been cranking up the music in their street for a few days prior to this so this was just a continuation of the festivities. We observed how overpowering the Macedonian culture was on the night, even though it went very well really and Thuy and Peter have wedding memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. We are glad. May God bless their marriage like the the flashing colours of the Spirit of light that travelled with the music.

Everyone who came was expected to enter a "free" photo booth especially placed in the foyer of the reception. Three of the six snaps went into a visitor's comment book and the guests kept the other three. These are the ones we kept. A nice idea.

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