Sunday, April 10, 2011

Playground Treat

This was a special time after a slow Saturday breakfast when we decided to walk up to the large park on the other side of our shopping centre. There the kids made use of both playgrounds, the second was one we did not know about. The games were a mix of doing the usual extreme things one does on play equipment and playing a complicated role play game involving the play equipment as props, like a place where the poor animals Rosy and Buttons were cruelly imprisoned.

We passed by the Redleap Lake and watched the waterfowl for a time. If we had some bread we would have had a very excited reception, but alas we came with none. Maybe next time...

Playground designers are producing more and more interesting setups in parks these days. This one was an adventure for Jethro and the perfect prison for Piper and Abigail. Jasper helped Peter guard the entrances.

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