Friday, April 1, 2011

Chaplaincy Variety

There is definitely a varied collection of experiences each day at the school. Each day goes something like the above bug collection project. It used to be an old photographic slide organiser. Now with the help of cotton wool it has a new lease of life. When kids brings a bug to Peter, it goes in this box. This box was recently used by a year 2 boy for a personal show and tell to Preps. He did a great job, the preps loved his talk and the butterfly wings mostly survived the ordeal.

Not every school office has a blue tongue lizard living under it. This one poked its head out this far before ducking back when another boy carefully reached for it. This happened during a pastoral encounter.

This was another boy's show and tell for the day. He made it at home from instructions and brought it to class. He proudly showed Peter before he went home. Peter was so impressed he took the snap for the world to see.

This is an unfinished pastoral encounter. The scene is unfinished too. Peter is not sure where it will lead. The boy who set up the scene wants to continue with it. Other kids who have seen it think it is pretty cool. Peter asked what others thought the scene represented. Eureka Stockade was the answer.

And out of the blue most of us saw a baby wombat brought in my a woman who cares for orphaned native animals. She was wearing a baby's possum-pouch to carry it about. It was so cute!
This was all in a day. These are early days still and Peter is building relationships with the school community. All the time though he has to remain mindful that he has a serious role to perform and every interaction has the potential to be a pastoral one.

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