Thursday, June 3, 2010

St. Kilda Romp

Peter, Dan, Michelle and Alyce linked up with Gord at a St. Kilda restaurant, the Vinyard. Gord knew Adrian the owner. Adrian was in and was able to turn some of the tables into a nice place to relax in and we settled in for an enjoyable time.

Afterward, Gord showed us where he works and then took us up a flight of steps to the roof balcony to see his view of Melbourne from St. Kilda. It was a cool night after a bit of rain. Gord continued on with some work there and Peter took Dan, Michelle and Alyce to Crown Casino and drove on home to get some sleep.

Dan, Michelle and Alyce managed to get back after 3 am by cab having survived Crown still with money in their pockets. That's a blessing.

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