Friday, June 4, 2010

Games and Cake at Table

The table was used for many things. Firstly, Peter spent time there working on his last essay. We ate there of course. We had pieces of Madonna's Orange Cake. They were taste sensations, enough to return to Tazzi on the strength of that alone. And then there were the games we played. One night it was Man Bites Dog - a very funny newspaper heading game. But Barb found a game in Reliqware called Smart Ass. We played about three rounds of this game in one sitting! Though it helped to have some general knowledge of everything, it was possible to keep up with the brainy people and not know that much. It was a really fun game and gave us lots of laughs. Now that's another good reason to visit John and Madonna - to play that game with them.

Good wine, fine food, caring family fellowship... with the odd rabbit rubbing past your socks. It all happens at the table.

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