Thursday, January 21, 2010

How the Sea got its Salt

Our niece Michelle took this powerful picture the last time she came to Australia... of a bit of our south coast. She is coming for another visit soon and that is very exciting for all of us 'Down Under'. The snap captures the essence of the words below.
There are fish in the yammin there is life
The yammin is one great Yam the godess
Yam contended with Baal and Mot
She was a force to be reckoned with
Within her flowed life and death in abundance
She watched as Baal and Mot struggled for supremacy
Over air and land over her waves
And endeavoured to submerge them both
Her substance flowed out of the bowels of 'Erets
As 'Erets cracked and moved his crust
Yam expanded in opportunity and power
Searching for a new crevasse to fill
Baal was a minor god of war and destruction
Mot existed to enclose the dead
Both in Yam and on the surface of 'Erets
But could do nothing to subdue the force of Yam
When she decided to display it
And Mot was there to take the crumbs
'Erets expands and feeds Yam
His minerals dissolve as Yam struck him
'Erets slowly broke up and lost to Yam
And Yam gathered up and found his salt
Without this harvest Yam would diminish
If Yam over-gathers she would surely wane
She would smother the life within her
She carries within her an infinite life
All sharing Yam's plunder of 'Erets
Baal does not understand and Mot does not care
But Yahweh gives her knowing
And has created in Yam this gift
As the blood of 'Erets came gushing up
Gushing up as the God's Great Flood
With salt disolved
To recycle life enclosed in time

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I remember that very moment (I think) on our Great Ocean Road adventure!!! SUCH A GREAT DAY!!! and I am getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very very excited! I'll be in Brisbane in 100 days :D