Friday, January 15, 2010

Funky Growth

Peter had the opportuinity to visit the Funks this week. It was pretty much unanounced but he fitted in to what was happening really well. And of course he got out his trusty camera.

The title of this blog is about growth. Bec and Gord's three little ones are growing in leaps and bounds. Jethro has shown that he knows how to do "steps" and it is just the balancing part that lets him down. But he sure knows what he is supposed to do with his feet.

A nice tea was had outside on the decking table. The day was perfect and there was hardly a fly in sight. The next series of pictures show off Jasper and Piper's tree climbing skills. Somehow Piper has found out about the character "Tarzan" and has developed a new roleplaying game using the tree as a prop. How on earth did she find out about Tarzan?

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