Sunday, January 10, 2021

Our Ultimate Spiritual Destiny


There has been an increasing amount of talk about UFOs and it will help if this topic can be engaged theologically. People who have faith in God might think they are blaspheming but to avoid this topic is perilous. This article will look at two places in the biblical text which at least allows us to consider an extra-terrestrial intervention of some sort other than a divine one. We may be in a ten thousand year cosmic war as quoted by some people today. To say ten thousand obviously predates the biblical text, but there are a few crumbs on offer worth inspecting.  

The book of Genesis, chapter 6 verse 4 (Gen 6:4), is of great interest for this topic. The middle part of the verse states, “…when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them…” This rare window into cosmic theology can be easily interpreted to read that extra-terrestrials mixed their DNA with earthly humans. The evil that seemed to come out of this grieved ‘Yahvah’ (God’s chosen name encountering Moses), so God brought about a destroying flood which killed all but eight humans on the planet! God may or may not have succeeded in eradicating the extra-terrestrial DNA through preserving these eight who were responsible for repopulating the earth. There are numerous flood stories that have come to us from antiquity.

There were many visitations by ‘angles’ (God’s messengers) and even a reading (Gen 18) when God was identified as ‘The One’ and then later in the chapter as Yahvah. In that chapter God personally conversed with Abraham. But these don’t lead to UFO descriptions. A clear one of these comes from whole of the first chapter of Ezekiel the Prophet (Ezek 1). The readers of this article are invited to carefully read the biblical account of this and the same time try to imagine Ezekiel’s vocabulary challenge when later he recorded the whole experience. Traditionally, Jewish children were not allowed to read this chapter until they were deemed to be adults. Peter has attempted to illustrate this through the ‘lens’ of Ezekiel’s eyes and has attempted to capture in the drawing the possibility of a described UFO. The result was to make the ‘landing gear’ too large for the craft’s main body and in a future drawing he will endeavour to fix that.

UFO sightings began in earnest after World War II. Until very recently the ‘official’ response has been to explain them away and mainstream news organisations restricted UFO stories to just the local area where the sighting occurred, and allowed them to fade from people’s memories. It is actually possible that all UFOs have been manufactured by humans under massive amounts of secrecy for reasons unknown or probably sinister. During the war, Germany is said to have made one such prototype and the technology grew from there. From that time, reliable information about any UFOs ‘escaped’ in such a restricted ways that any who believed UFOs existed were labelled conspiracy theorists. It is unfortunate that this secrecy has been allowed to fester into the Monolith of Mystery that it is today. Now that ‘officialdom’ is opening the door to a tacit conformation that, yes, there are UFOs, we must return to the biblical text and revisit some places that might also describe UFOs, only thousands of years earlier.

Let’s assume that extra-terrestrials exist and have the advanced technology to travel the enormous distances through the Universe. Let’s also assume they don’t really need our planet’s resources simply because they have got here on ‘their own steam’ so to speak. We can then assume that they want something more precious. Could they be watching how well we discover and develop scientific knowledge and advanced technologies because of their DNA they gave our ancestors? Or, could they be watching the development of spiritual character displayed through our ethical moral and emotional responses to life, to God even. Because the Bible convincingly presents Jesus and the most intelligent human ever to walk our planet, his vindication from being falsely tried, tortured and executed, having an astounding resurrection back to life, we have a solid frame to hold against any new theological additions. It might be that the extra-terrestrial watchers are particularly interested in who is a disciple of Jesus or not. Is it important that we know which side to be on at a spiritual level? Do we need to know this to be better equipped for a future hour of testing?

The motivation for the interest that extra-terrestrials have in observing us so secretly is a mystery. Nevertheless the Bible offers guidance for all who have been given this gift of faith. Jesus taught us in his amazing three chapter long ‘Sermon on the Mount’ (Matthew 5-7) how to do life in God’s kingdom both in the ‘here and now’ on earth as well as for eternity in the ‘heavens’. We are to behave as children of the kingdom and as such fall under the authority of God and not the influence and misdirection of extra-terrestrials. Jesus landmark sermon teachers that this kingdom is available to all and living in it generates a freedom to be compassionate, exercising loving-kindness and mercy for those who harbour fear and hurt, who are poor and lost. Extra-terrestrials may know that life on our planet is due to end soon and are particularly interested about this conferred authority over human souls.

True survival from the rubble of time may only be a faith and focus on the good news of Jesus Christ. God is a ‘hallowed’ and just God so there is plenty of room in God’s plan for complete surprises. We are called to survive with our spiritual position in Christ Jesus intact. This is a highest calling. If the extra-terrestrials don’t like this protective authority narrative, they could easily be actively intervening on and off throughout all of human history. We must be on guard not to depart from the kingdom base that Jesus won for us. It will be far better to be put under God’s authority instead of taking up the socially easy options of ‘fence sitting’ or even avoiding pain and torture.  

We must not allow ‘cognitive dissonance’ to cloud our observations to what might really be happening in the world today. We must be willing to stand for freedom when pressed. Earth’s prize that extra-terrestrials may be seeking is one massive spiritual and blood sacrifice and even now with the help of ‘smoke and mirrors’ they are succeeding with. Humankind is sliding into a trap. It is hard to shout about this loudly and not be labelled as a conspiracy theorist, someone to ignore or be put away for good. Those who for any number of reasons prefer the comfort of the status quo, do their best to ignore this, even the earnest plea of a close friend, if it goes against the ‘official narrative’. God has to intervene if this form of wilful ignorance is going to be swept aside.

Human beings have to deal with self-centeredness. A human must be born with this trait for natural survival. Infants will innocently ‘demand’ love and care through crying for it. They will continue to be self-centred through the early stages of human development. Their carers have to teach empathy in order to moderate this. This will be only partially successful, if society in general is any indication, and a divine intervention helps inculcate God’s love into our lives. Becoming a disciple of Christ Jesus is about exploring Jesus’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ without seeing it as a bunch of rules. It will teach people how to freely live under the authority and protection of God. The holocaust that is potentially coming to planet earth ought to be enough of a motivation to scramble for this kind of protection if enough awareness of the truth of it got out. Many believe that hording provisions in a personal bunker and being willing to kill others who attempt to steal it, is the way of the future. No love there.

There is talk of a new world order and of a world currency reset. These events have the potential to benefit only the mega-rich. Even if the very best result happens, which follows a removal of the leaders who bankrupted nations, the agreeing parties will be fallible, as all humans are, and society will continue to harbour enough evil to bring the insurmountable problem to a head again. Do we really believe that we can solve the geo-political challenges without humbly and willingly falling under the authority of God?

A great spiritual darkness rules the world. If human kind survives this new form of holocaust the likelihood of slavery waits in the wings. Our resources have been wasted and our wealth stolen by people who have no intention of paying it back. Going after them (as some people are doing) to take their very lives from them is a ‘not of God’ response. As it is, most of the ‘elite’ are bunkered in. They think their quality of life won’t be so ‘cosy and sweet’ until they succeed in killing eighty percent of the planets human inhabitants. They want to return the planet to its pristine Garden of Eden state once the billions of polluters are exterminated. Does this outcome interest the extra-terrestrials? Are they horrified or is it part of their plan? Is there a connection between extra-terrestrials and the evil forces of Satan? That’s certainly Satan’s agenda. Are these groups the same? We will best have a careful and new review of biblical theology under this question. And soon.

Is God playing a joke on us? If that is not so, then God did send Jesus to be the demanded sacrifice and to call all people to him ‘purchased by his blood’, to please come under protective authority and to avoid the horrible outcome, still to be realised of the ten thousand year war raging on earth and possibly also in the heavens. Those who are under this protective spiritual authority may suffer physical depravation and physical death but a vast cosmic kingdom awaits. Within the biblical text are many clear promises that give hope for its fulfilment. We are called to deeply explore the biblical narrative for clues, called to take up those found promises step by humble step, and called to be watchful, ready to do God’s bidding on earth and beyond. 

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