Thursday, July 6, 2017

Barb's Prayer

Thank you that you have called us, to come before you, the ever living, all powerful God who sits on the throne of Heaven, robed in majesty & glory, attended by legions of angels & myriads of heavenly hosts from time immemorial. What are we that you are mindful of us, yet you are the One who has called us by name & shown us that our identity is found only in you?  We ask that you cause us to be increasingly joy filled & grateful to you, our King and our God, for the privilege of belonging to you, by your will and choice.

May your love so assure us, that we know in the depths of our being that in every life storm we encounter, we can stand in the place of the eye of that storm with you, with your perspective, your mind, your heart and your reassurance. You have endured the ultimate cosmic storm to keep us with you, so we can never be separated from you.  We can’t thank you enough for this totally undeserved honour, this unmerited privilege at the cost of your life and your glory in Heaven, while you lived amongst us.
For when you were killable, we killed you, we branded you, stigmatised you, criticised you, abused and insulted you, we mocked you, spread detrimental speech about you and were totally angry at you for what we felt you hadn’t given us. We didn’t understand you at all, and felt too threatened to come alongside you.
We ask that we may be filled with humility and grace as you are. Please order our disordered loves, work your trustworthiness into our insecurities, and your courage and nobility into our life circumstances, so we can be fully sensitive to your Holy Spirit and trustworthy to go about your work, living as you would want to see us live. For it is only at your invitation and equipping specifically, in any situation, that we can even hope to contribute anything more than wrong perspectives, self-centredness and ignorance. Keep us listening for the next step and the next, for your ways are higher than ours and your ways are not our ways.
We ask that you would establish our lives, and those who will come in contact with you in the future. Please would you continually reveal yourself to each. Please bring the people you have in mind and lead and guide in every way, all that needs to happen, every encounter, every conversation and every nuance of where your Holy Spirit is leading.
Help us to imagine, as we go about the work you entrust to us, the place of restoration you have purchased for each person we encounter, that which is in their name and fully belongs to them. May your thoughts guide our thoughts and actions, for we desire each of these people to fully realise the inheritance you have secured for them. You have given us unique opportunities & limitations within which we operate. Help us to facilitate and maximise what it is you have given to each person. For we ask it in Jesus Name.


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