Sunday, July 2, 2017

Another Deb Ball Experience

We had another turn representing the Whittlesea Chaplaincy Committee at the Whittlesea Secondary College Debutante Ball. Twelve hundred dollars was raised for the Whittlesea Chaplaincy Program through this event and Peter was there to receive the cheque and speak a few words of thanks. It was a Elegant Affair. We made a post about our previous deb ball experience around this time last year.

The "Deb Ball team" is a disciplined group of dedicated professional people led by Carmel Archer. They organise and train at least 20 debutante groups during each year (plus a great many dance school events). Their website is:  This very traditional "rite-of-passage for young ladies (and the young men accompanying them) is an ideal way to celebrate arrival into adulthood. With society "rather rite-of-passage poor" these days, we appreciate events such as these to instill positive purpose into future generations of young people. Carmel says "God keeps me doing it." Good on you Carmel.

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