Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tallarook Excursion

Peter was part of supervising staff on a whole school excursion to Melbourne's ScienceWorks museum. Part of the school experience was the carefully managed public transport travel to get there. This was not a simple task and involved a country train to the city and a suburban train to the station closest to the museum (and back again). At Southern Cross Station both ways, the children were led to the public toilet where they literally took over all available space much to the chagrin of the general public. At the museum they learned how the Earth's tilt was the reason for the change of season during the cycle around the sun. That alone made the trip valuable. Their time in the planetarium looking up at the huge domed ceiling at "heavenly projections" was equally impressive and many constellations were explained. The same number of children who started were on the return train, that being the teachers other supreme goal for the day.

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