Oh! What have we found here? This is a new collection of snaps for all who are interested from our latest visit to the Funks. It is always fun and very relaxing in the sense that we are in a place where outside pressures are kept at bay.
Though we have no snaps of Bec this time, we took one of her lemon cake. It was a fine cake and enjoyed by all. That was morning tea. We brought some arty things and a few books... as if we needed to... and did drawing with them or read stories to them. Piper is beginning to read so she read her little reader to us as well.
The paper "walls" were constructed by Jasper to house "prisoners". Piper came over from reading with Barb to see that he was doing.
The books lead to more play as it happens. We later played a character role game with Piper as an offshoot from one of the books we read. Here she is a ‘bat’ hanging in a cathedral bell tower... hence the pull of gravity on her hair. It is starting to get long again.
And then there is mister cuddles. Jethro is still not walking yet. I think he wants to break the family record on that one.
It was cold and we had hail for a time, but was cosy inside. The hail melted and the sun returned and Barb took the two older ones for a walk to the shops for a treat. That was a real tonic for Barb and the kids always love it. Look at Jasper run!
I am a primary school chaplain and have created this blog to provide children's story book reading, woodcraft projects, nature experiences and other general school based support.
We have nine basic spiritual needs: 1. a viable philosophy of life; 2. constructive lifestyle guidance; 3. our relationship with an energising God; 4. our soul as the centre of our being; 5. hope in the midst of our losses; 6. reconciliation replacing guilt; 7. our being valued by God; 8. our moments of transcendence; 9. our belonging to a caring community.
And according to the Bible, there are nine spiritual gifts: Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.
Another list of nine
These are drawn from Romans 12:10-13
1. With brothherly/sisterly love, be devoted
2. With honour, raise another above yourself
3. With zeal, never be lacking
4. With your spirit, be fervent
5. With the Lord, be doers and not just hearers
6. With hope, be joyful
7. With affliction, be patient
8. With prayer, continue at it
9. With the needy, share and be hospitable
These nine practical steps for Christian life grow out of sincere love, doing what is good (verse 9).
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Some people come and go. Others stay and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same.
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