Saturday, August 7, 2010

Devonport Mercy

Donna and John live in East Devonport across the Mercy River from Devonport 'city'. Unfortunately the little ferry was in dry-dock for the winter months so we had to drive round via the bridge. Pity. We were looking forward to crossing to town (and a coffee) by ferry. Maybe next time.

From the walk down to the ferry we could see the mouth of the Mercy and the horizon over which is the Australian mainland. The angle of the sun reminded us that were were truly over 40 degrees from the equator.

The crossing would have added a romantic touch to our day. In the distance past the cargo ship is the bridge we crossed later in the day.

This picture was secretly snapped in an antique goods warehouse on the edge on the city side of the Mercy. Where all that old nautical stuff was laid out for sale was this amazing three dimensional and life size pirate ship as an inspired and scary back drop. Very impressive.

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