Friday, September 11, 2009

Narnian Ship

A true Narnian ship was described by C.S. Lewis as thus: Her prow was gilded and shaped like the head of a dragon with wide-open mouth. She had only one mast and one large, square sale which was a rich purple. The sides of the ship were green. As it glided along, the water reflected greens and purbles in the sunlight. Very nice.

Now a movie support company called Dragons Prow has made a full scale model for the new Narnia movie due out next year. The film set location is a coastal suburb of Brisbane called Cleveland near where Mum lives. This 'land-ship' was made to rock and pitch which will throw the acters about. Technology must be able to do the rest! The model seems to be reasonably close to the original description, even down to the dragon tail.

We heard about it when Barb's brother and sister and mum visited the location for a looksee. Chris sent us the photos. Thank you for that. The sign there said that they will be shooting till September 25 and then it will be all cleaned away. If they left it there it could have been a continual tourist attraction, especially if it could still pitch and rock. Oh well. For your eyes only, this one.

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