Sunday, September 27, 2009

Free Market

Bec and some others from the Gembrook and Cockatoo communities held a "free market" this weekend. You bring things you don't need and you take things you do need. No money changes hand! The rest is gathered up for the thrift shop. Unfortunately, not many people turned up. This could be due mostly to the heavy rain that was dumped on us. Bec and team will have to consider how better to advertice for their next one. One always has to start small and try out a few things, so very well done you guys for giving it a go. May it be a step to much better connections all round. Whatever the outcome, it was a nice time and place for friends to meet. A young girl who visited with her parents displayed her talents on other kid's faces. There were plenty of community centre toys for kids to play with while they waited their face painting turn. Well done Tessa.

We were able to stay overnight with the Funks (and Gord's cousin Matthew) and brought quite a few additional books to read with the grandkids.

Barb has a way of reading the stories that holds them. Peter's reading style is more 'scratchy' and sometimes he loses his place. So Barb is the more popular choice, most popular chair.

Piper has lost her first tooth. It has indeed happened. It is sort of a 'rite of passage' for a child. Piper described how the "adult tooth is going to grow into the space..."

Piper was pretending that there was a little hole in the ice for the little fish, and whatever else, to pop their heads up out of the water.

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