Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sisters' Memorial

St. John's was crowded to capacity. People who could not see direct, watched a big screen in other parts of the complex. Bottled water was given to everyone there and there was more who needed it later. Though the water was a very practical thought for a hot day, it became something we all shared as we sat or stood at the back... something our state of Victoria needs in order to properly douse the fires still burning in four major areas.

As people shared their memories of Melanie and Penny, the realised loss felt unbearable... friends' losses... two boyfriends' losses and their future families' losses... and the great void in the Chambers family future. Something here was very wrong. Peter felt a private urge to yell out: "That's not fair, God!" Such future hopes dashed... and so many people in a nebulous vacuum, wanting answers... wanting direction and renewed motivation to get on with the year... struggling to normalise life.

We had to ask the question, "Why?" We had to. That Jesus suffered greater loss on the cross seemed a lame thought. God received the sisters as their souls departed this blackening world. Jesus had won redemption for them was more the focus. This was our hope in the emptiness. Two white doves were released and they flew out over the Diamond Creek Road and seemed to circle over the area where the girls had spent their childhood. It was potent symbolism.

One has to hold to the hope that death has not the final victory... only the earthly one. Those left behind were asked by Rev. John Smith to take on the responsibility of looking out for those feeling the loss the keenest... making it a regular date to act practically... to take the time to be there... simply to be there... with those who bear this loss, this pain which will fade but never diminish... always be there.

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