Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blood Sun

There was a day just past last week when the sun struggled to shine through the haze over Melbourne caused by the smoke in the atmosphere. The sunrise looked foreboding (above). It was a glum day for us all in the wake of the devastation. The sunset was especially dull (below). It was just a pale dot in the gray sky during its last few hours. It all seemed very apocalyptic.

As well as the remaining fires, there was a lot of back burning taking place. These are cases where fire-fighters fight fire with fire by burning back towards the existing fire to create the widest fire-break possible. It is scary to think that on Black Saturday some of the burning embers travelled up to 15 Kms to land and start new fires. It is no wonder that whole communities found themselves surrounded.

Back-burning is done in improved conditions, and fortunately we have had ten plus days of cooler weather that have helped in this.

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