Friday, December 26, 2008

Gingerbread House

A lot of different things happened this Christmas. One of them was the creation of a gingerbread house to the highest standard of imagination, colour and sweetness. We have a very special friend who took it on herself to make it for our family this Christmas. We knew about it but we kept news about it as a surprise. It was fun to see their faces when they saw it.

A little angel holding a heart welcomes the traveller to the door. There is a lot of meaning in that heart. Barb has been recognising hearts in so many random shapes during this year that it has become well known. It is almost an expectation that Barb will find a heart each day... somewhere. Icing sugar makes very good snow drifts and the assortment of lollies make excellent decoration over the house. Oh Noddy, eat your heart out. This is a house that rivals yours.

Our present challenge is to widen the sharing of this gift. It is such a marvellous creation that we must pass it around. Importantly, they will help us consume it. This gingerbread house could feed an army of sweet-toothers. We used a long all-purpose serrated knife to find our way into the interior where we found it full of chocolate snacks. Where's that army!

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