Saturday, July 5, 2008

Genocide Olympics

Peter has become more and more grieved by the atrocities being perpetrated in Darfur, Sudan. What he did not know until recently was that China has been openly blocking wider UN involvement on the ground there, and at the same time selling arms to Khartoum and giving training in how to use them. China has economic reasons for turning a blind eye but there will be far reaching consequences.

As a result, Peter intends watching none of the Beijing Olympics... not a second of it. This will be the first time he has never followed the action that he can remember. This time the injustice of turning a blind eye hurts far too deep. China has made the Olympics into a disgraceful facade for its own masses who don't know about the genocide that their leaders have allowed happen. Like Peter, there must be a lot of people outside of China who will find far better things to do than be hooked to the papers, radio, TV or internet over the event. Life will go on away from all the hype, and the Olympic consumer machinery will have an uphill task to find their lost audience when their god moves on to another city.

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