Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Consumer Culture

In our post modern world we are increasingly under the influence of consumerism. It more often describes our shopping mentality. And let's face it, most of us in the city have to "buy" the basic necessities of life from shops. If the supermarket ran low on stock, urban society would experience famine. Some of us are already in some sort of famine because there is not enough household money to purchase the basics. But marketing has also created a desire for the "latest" gismo or fashion, and huge shopping developments to cater just for that are springing up everywhere. In that, we have reached the extremes of consumerism.

Near by to where we live, one such place is growing and soon will open, boasting over 80 brands. Big deal! This confirms the relentless and aggressive marketing effort over the last few generations. Corporations have done their sums and they know customers will come streaming in. That's sad but true. The cash registers will sing. Through shopping, people are feeling "at one" with others who have come to shop as well. It is a pseudo-spiritual experience for them. It is a form of atonement (at-one-ment) with their unknown neighbour, and the pain of identity loss is eased. If identity is not found in work, or in God's story, then this is the solution to the dilemma. Needs are met by submitting to this devouring culture. Those of us who try to find their identity in the deeper truths of life are seen as puritanical or just plain isolationist.

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