Sunday, January 6, 2008

Two Rabbits!

We got another rabbit just after Christmas! For a while it seemed to be a disaster because the established rabbit (Emily) became totally defensive, and aggressive as well. She went on the warpath spreading her droppings everywhere about the room as a way of staking her boundaries. The little one (Sophie), who always looks to be having 'a bad hair day', continued to be chased back into the laundry by 'Big Em'.

We had to keep them separate, and sometimes swapped their locations. By the time they were ready to share the same room we had done a lot of rabbit psychotherapy. Slowly there was a relaxing between them. There was still the occasional squabble but we found them lying together and took the picture. At least our living space can return to some sort of normality with just the usual supply of rabbit droppings.

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