Monday, January 28, 2008

Pier Fish & Chips

Barb's sister Donna flew in from Tazzi to do some Melbourne shopping and catch up with all us. She timed it well overlapping with Simon's arrival from North Queensland, so she was able to chat with him as he passed through. Kelli made a super meal when Donna arrived. The next day we had Yum Cha in China Town. On the third night everybody braved a Peter stir-fry. And on the last evening, we came together at Station Pier for a final meal - fish and chips.

During her stay, Donna was the paparazzi, snapping at everything and anything, especially rabbits and flowers. By the end of the four days we had a CD full of these snaps that we were able to share. The final photo shoot at the Pier after the fish and chips was extended and relaxed. Simon was at the Big Day Out rock concert, so sorry, there are no pics of him at all.

It was great that Dan and Dave could both be there, those cool dudes with the sunnies. Kelli and Bruce brought our number to seven and got there early to mind a table so we could eat, protected from the strong southerly. The wind was bracing but it was a nice evening to top of a memorable visit from Don.

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