Monday, February 17, 2020

Peter's Dream

Sometimes parts of a dream remain in the memory after waking and recently Peter remembered parts of one clearly. Peter remembers going from floor to floor in a tall building (about 7 stories tall) and discovering lots of boxes of large coloured tiles. He proceeded to hang them on the wall with the colours facing outward for the world to see, hanging them from the tile above and/or the ones alongside. At no time did he attempt to see the outside visual effect. He just continued to attach each tile that he found in a box on the floor at that level, and there were many boxes on each floor. There seemed to be just enough at each level to cover the wall of the building and Peter focused on one floor at a time until he ran out of tiles on that floor, then finding more boxes on the next floor which could be attached to the tiles that were already up. After a time, Peter finished the whole wall and his dream moved to interacting with people outside the building, most of this faded from memory. Except when somebody in the dream alerted Peter to the huge façade of tiles hanging off the building like a heavy curtain moving slowly in and out pushed by a wind. The building seemed to come alive. He noticed immediately that by some miracle the tiles made a carefully designed and attractive pattern. Peter marvelled at the amazing good fortune and wondered at the small probability of this happening so clearly. 

When Peter later reflected on this dream from a theological perspective, amongst other things it seemed to say that what we do in life, without knowing what the result might be, the divine hand of God is cleverly guiding the outcome that may be very positive and very attractive and otherwise extremely unlikely unless God was in it. Even the wind over the building has theological significance.

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