Friday, February 22, 2013

Sixty Years Day 2

This day contained the main event. All the immediate family was present right on noon and a significant number of other family members swelled the group to make this photo a memorable one indeed. This is one nice reason for reaching sixty years even though it sounds terribly old!

The Funks gift was food from their garden, beautifully present in a way the Mennonites might have done in times gone by. A very nice idea. 
Most of us then walked up to the Chinese restaurant. This place had special significance because Peter had celebrated his 50th there. A number of original guests were able to come so that made it feel like a reunion. Because of the surprises inclusions (#1,2,3,4,5&6), plus two more surprises - nephew Nicholas and girlfriend Kathryn (#7&8), the restaurant staff had to keep on increasing the number of tables and chairs. Peter's original reservation was twelve. In the end there were 23 of us and remarkably nobody else used the restaurant at that time making it exclusively ours. 

How we left it. Let's go there for Peter's 70th.What do you think?

A new growth in our garden.

And later that day we played another game of "Ticket to Ride".

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